I love reading and hearing about new products/food/websites/music that people are listening too. This leads me to believe that someone might possibly care about what mine are. This is super random so bear with me...
Cleaning Products:Method Laundry DetergentI tried this on whim... I adore most Method products and loved how tiny the bottle was and the idea of only pumping the detergent into the washer. I have had bad luck with "natural" detergent but thought that I could take the chance as the price was fairly reasonable. Needless to say, I LOVE it. I've tried the Peony Blossom and Fresh Air but prefer Fresh Air's scent. It really cleans the boys clothes (this is verging on a miracle) and they come out smelling divine. I will never go back to pouring my detergent. Six squirts and I'm DONE! I'm in love.
If you haven't used Method products before, try them!

The winner for time spent checking out a site is...
Jones Design Company! I just discovered this site via facebook. It turns out that a girl that I went to college with started this company and her blog is FULL of treasures. You will start out by reading and softly sobbing over your lack of general creativity. Things will start to feel a little bit better when you see how easy she makes her projects look. I have yet to try one but actually feel inspired to try. PLUS, her online shop is super fun and very reasonably priced. Definitely worth checking out and adding to your blog roll!
Food:I recently came across a delish food combo that can double as a breakfast or dessert. It's full of protein, feels like a special sweet treat and fills me up. I found the cereal at Trader Joes but I'm sure that you could find something comparable elsewhere.

1) 1/2 c. of nonfat, vanilla Greek Yogurt (I buy mine at Trader Joes)
2) 1 c. of berries of your choice (I prefer blueberries but put whatever fruit I have on hand in there.)
3) 2/3 c. (one serving) of Trader Joes High Fiber Fruit & Nut Medley cereal
(2.5 WW Points)
Mmm... Tell me if you try it.
Music:I am an unashamed fan of the Twilight series (books, movies and music). Mock me if you must. I loved the first album. I liked the second album. I LOVE the 3rd album. My fave song has to be "Heavy in Your Arms" by Florence and the Machine followed by "Atlas" by Fanfario and "My Love" by Sia. I love the rest of the album though and you just can't say that about many soundtracks. Download the
Eclipse soundtrack and feel a little cooler than you really are.

You also really need to download
"Songs from This" and
"Songs from That" by Joy Williams and then download her band's (The Civil Wars) EP entitled
"Poison and Wine." You've probably heard her music on your fave tv show or maybe even an Oscar Meyer commercial (ha ha ha) and never knew it. She is a ridiculously talented singer and songwriter and her music just makes me feel good about the journey of life. Her band, The Civil Wars has a similar feel but adds another layer in that it is a duo. Their harmonies are hauntingly beautiful and there songs are beautifully crafted and catchy. Enjoy.
(Find any of these suggestions on iTunes.)
Well, that's it for now! Humor me and let me know if you try anything! :)