Sunday, November 7, 2010
I Saw What I Saw
Jesse and I found out this week that we are now #53 on the waiting list to bring home our baby girl from Ethiopia. We started this process in January and are quickly closing in on the end of the 2010. Each step forward makes her feel all the more tangible and real and like bringing her home might be a real possibility. I simply can't wait. My heart might explode.
People often ask why our family was compelled to adopt a child when we have two biological children. There are a ton of reasons but here is one of them. You can't travel to 3rd world countries and not be changed in some way. You can't serve people that are struggling in ways you never imagined possible without leaving a different person. It just changes you. Something inside shifts when you go beyond reading about them and instead see it with your own eyes. You can't visit an orphanage and not think about how much LOVE you have to offer. You do not forget those little crusty eyes or their wet behinds that soaked your shirt while you held them. You do not forget their faces or their tears when you have to put them down and leave. You cannot forget what you know they are up against if they are going to make it. You can't help but think about all of the kids that are still trying to just survive on the streets.
There is a song that I love by a musician that I adore. She is a poet with an angelic voice. I often feel like she is writing what I wish that I could so perfectly communicate. I was going to figure out how to attach her song when I came across this video. Enjoy and be moved.
"I Saw What I Saw" by Sara Groves
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Friday, September 17, 2010
The Playground
Follow this link below and buy your ticket.
Click on the Trailer Link if you would like to watch a preview of the movie.
(This has some mature content so please watch who you are viewing this with.)
If in Seattle, BUY YOUR TICKETS here:

(Mature subject matter. Watch on your own before deciding whether to show your kids.)
Sunday, September 12, 2010

Tis the season... BOTH of my boys are now is school for a 1/2 day. Soccer season has started. Bible Study is back on. Eastside Women of Purpose is gearing back up for another fundraiser. Jesse's job is keeping him very busy. The boys have a few misc. activities. The HOLIDAYS are fast approaching. (Christmas has already arrived at Costco.) It can all start to feel a bit overwhelming... or a lot. I may be hyperventilating right now.
I so appreciated the post by Emily at Jones Design Company. She recently blogged about "Time" and how she runs her own business, has four kids, home schools, etc. Click HERE to read her entry and then take some time to explore her website. SUPER fun stuff. Check it out.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Super Fast and Easy Dinner Ideas
I have always wanted to find (or write) a cookbook that is truly easy, has a short ingredient list and has been tested by ME, a truly lame cook. I am tired of buying cookbooks that say a meal will only take 30 min. or less. What they really mean is that they take 30 min. if you have assistants that have pre-chopped and prepared everything for you. My little assistants are short, slow, are prone to cutting themselves and have short attention spans.
Real Simple Magazine's most recent issue had a 3 ingredient meal idea list that I've been wanting to try out. I had some serious doubts. Can anything be that great when it's only 3 ingredients? I decided to try three of the recipes last night... They involved grilling, so Jesse got involved.
The ingredients were few and in season (or growing in your backyard) making the meal pretty affordable... Jesse enjoyed his time at the grill with a beer in hand... I enjoyed the ease of three, 3-ingredient meals... My kids RAVED about my cooking (they might have been in shock) and asked for more "chicken." They ate all of their food. Liam complained that the watermelon was weird after his 5th bite. :)

Here are the recipes. Thanks Real Simple!
Brown Sugar-Glazed Pork
Buttery Grilled Corn

Minted Watermelon Salad
(Ignore the Steak Kabobs. Haven't tried those yet.)
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
The #76 SALE!!!
In honor of our jump into the 70's, I am hosting an Adoption Rocks Gear SALE through Friday evening! All T-Shirts have been marked down by $3!!! Sizes have become more limited but I am sure that you can find something. :) Please note that the Tote Bags are NOT on sale at this time.
If you live in Seattle, comment and we can figure out how to get you your gear without paying for shipping.
SPREAD THE WORD! These make great gifts and shows your support to all the adoptive families out there. Our little family appreciates your help and I ship anywhere in the US!
Monday, August 9, 2010
My (Super Random) Favorites List

I love reading and hearing about new products/food/websites/music that people are listening too. This leads me to believe that someone might possibly care about what mine are. This is super random so bear with me...
Cleaning Products:
Method Laundry Detergent
I tried this on whim... I adore most Method products and loved how tiny the bottle was and the idea of only pumping the detergent into the washer. I have had bad luck with "natural" detergent but thought that I could take the chance as the price was fairly reasonable. Needless to say, I LOVE it. I've tried the Peony Blossom and Fresh Air but prefer Fresh Air's scent. It really cleans the boys clothes (this is verging on a miracle) and they come out smelling divine. I will never go back to pouring my detergent. Six squirts and I'm DONE! I'm in love.
If you haven't used Method products before, try them!

The winner for time spent checking out a site is... Jones Design Company! I just discovered this site via facebook. It turns out that a girl that I went to college with started this company and her blog is FULL of treasures. You will start out by reading and softly sobbing over your lack of general creativity. Things will start to feel a little bit better when you see how easy she makes her projects look. I have yet to try one but actually feel inspired to try. PLUS, her online shop is super fun and very reasonably priced. Definitely worth checking out and adding to your blog roll!
I recently came across a delish food combo that can double as a breakfast or dessert. It's full of protein, feels like a special sweet treat and fills me up. I found the cereal at Trader Joes but I'm sure that you could find something comparable elsewhere.

2) 1 c. of berries of your choice (I prefer blueberries but put whatever fruit I have on hand in there.)
3) 2/3 c. (one serving) of Trader Joes High Fiber Fruit & Nut Medley cereal
(2.5 WW Points)
Mmm... Tell me if you try it.
I am an unashamed fan of the Twilight series (books, movies and music). Mock me if you must. I loved the first album. I liked the second album. I LOVE the 3rd album. My fave song has to be "Heavy in Your Arms" by Florence and the Machine followed by "Atlas" by Fanfario and "My Love" by Sia. I love the rest of the album though and you just can't say that about many soundtracks. Download the Eclipse soundtrack and feel a little cooler than you really are.

(Find any of these suggestions on iTunes.)
Well, that's it for now! Humor me and let me know if you try anything! :)
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Who doesn't love a contest and giveaway!?!

She decided to do a giveaway for the summer. Check out all of the fun items that you could win?!?! SO fun!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010
LUCKY # 83
We just found out that we are officially on the Waiting Family List with our adoption agency, All God's Children, International! It is a little bit bittersweet to be #83. We've been working so hard to get on the list but 83 sounds a little bit daunting and like a REALLY long wait. Our timeline for our baby girl has been pushed back even further. BUT, I am clinging to God's perfect timing and trying to relinquish my strong desire to micromanage and control (because I have none).
In the meantime, please join us in praying for our daughter. She is most likely still in her mother's womb. Please pray for her birth mother, for nourishment and care. Pray for her mama as she does her best to care for her. It is incredibly emotional to think about the painful future that they have in store that will eventually lead to our adopting her daughter. It feels like I know something that they don't. I am sure that sounds weird...
And PLEASE pray that we move up the list FAST!!!!
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Upcoming Garage Sale to Benefit Our Adoption!!

Mark your calendars for Friday, July 23rd and Saturday, July 24th and STOP BY (and make sure to BUY something)!
This sale will be huge because of the generous donations of many. There is still time to drop by YOUR stuff! Comment if you would like to donate!
I hope to see you there!
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Waiting to join the Waiting Parents
Jesse and I are ALMOST done with our Home Study! We finished meeting with our Social Worker (who was absolutely wonderful and will be such a wonderful resource once we bring our baby girl home) and we are now waiting for her to write her report. After she finishes her report, we will add it to the rest of our Home Study documents and then add the Home Study to our Dossier (yikes - that's a lot) and we will then be added to the Waiting Parents List!
Once we are added to the list, there will be A LOT of waiting. Waiting and waiting and waiting. We will be waiting for about 8-12 months. Whew. I can hardly take it....
I hope that one day, our daughter will be able to absorb how very much we want and already love her. Please hurry home.
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
My Mamaform

I just realized that I wear the same outfit almost every day. It's like a uniform but I have renamed it the "Mamaform." It's my go-to outfit.
I live in a Hoodie/Sweatshirt, jeans and converse. Please give me a tiny bit of credit right now - I don't wear the exact same combo every day. I mix and match. When I say mix and match you should know that I wear the same three sweatshirts all week with different t-shirts underneath. I am modeling them here.
Is this weird? I guess that it could be worse... Do you have a Momaform that gets you through the week?
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Girls Night Out for a Purpose
(and playing host to a Freedom Stones Jewelry Table)
Have you been trying to get your friends to an event to support Human Trafficking and failed miserably? This might be a great opportunity to get them involved.
SATC2: Girls Night Out for a Purpose
Downtown Bellevue
Thursday, May 27th
$55 per person
Join us for the ultimate girls night out in downtown Bellevue! Lindeman Weddings & Events is hosting a SATC2 Premiere Party and Private Showing. 100% of the proceeds will be donated to help aid in the fight against human trafficking and forced prostitution.
- Private SATC2 Premiere Party at Pearl Bar & Dining in Bellevue
- Nibbles and 1 Drink Ticket for a Signature Cocktail
- SWAG BAG for every guest including giveaways from David Barton Gym, Nordstrom and Seven Salon to name a few!
- Photobooth will be onsite at Pearl Restaurant
- Admission to our Private Showing of SATC2 at Lincoln Square Cinemas
- Additional surprises throughout the night!
The Festivities Begin at Pearl Bar and Dining:
Private Showing of SATC2 @ Lincoln Square Cinemas to Follow
$55 per person (with all proceeds going to the fight against human trafficking)
There will be a raffle held at our private party where you can purchase tickets onsite. We have some incredible raffle prizes, including a pair of Manolo Blahniks
that we are giving away! All raffle ticket proceeds will go to charity.
Click THIS LINK and it will direct you to the ticketing page. Space is limited so act fast!
Friday, April 23, 2010
Your Tips to Healthier Eating and Buying
"We've joined a CSA, we buy our cow from a man in the country (grass fed, organic, etc.), but the rest is so hard to work around..."
"There are meat CSAs, but they're a little out of our budget. Groupon and LivingSocial have both had a daily deal in the last couple of months on organic food delivery-which includes meat and they were for 50% off the cost. While the delivery option is generally more than Bill the Butcher, it was cheaper with the groupon deal! Bill the Butcher is less expensive than whole foods though. Not sure what you guys like to eat, but this website: has been a great resource for us! We're big fans of quinoa and well, we're on a pretty heavy legume diet too (I'm soy sensitive so it's not an option for us as a meat alternative). Our faves on 101 cookbooks are: lemon-scented quinoa, matchstick pasta, ravioli pasta salad, and the almost cheeseless pasta casserole. Oh, and the root connection is a great CSA for veggies! You can pick kale until late in the autumn if you're willing to wear some boots!
Oh and this blog: is kind of fantastic. Mark Bittman also has a book "How to cook everything vegetarian" that is great!
Here are some links to some of our other favorites:"
"We've been looking into some of the plethora of organic/local/free-range food around here a lot. We just joined a CSA and will be getting our first veggie/fruit/herb box soon, but meat has been a trickier thing. I'm hoping I can start buying most of it at one of the fantastic local year-round Farmer's Markets, but I need to do some more research so I'm not just getting the same thing I would in a grocery store but paying more."
"So for us, I shop at Trader Joe's, farmer's market, get eggs from friends, & occasionally Whole Foods. I am couponing a lot of our household items, trying to save money in other ways so I can put it towards the good stuff."
"Have you read Michael Pollen's books? Absolutely eye-opening! I buy most food at Whole Foods, but it is expensive. We've cut out a lot of meat. Did you know Calvin Klein gets an F from the website?"
"We haven't made huge leaps yet but so far we have started growing a garden. We don't eat a lot of meat to begin with but we are looking for an affordable way to buy organic meat without buying in bulk (we don't have the room to store extra meat). I would think with all the farmers around here we would be able to find an affordable meat source.
It's hard buying organic because the only whole food store here is TINY and VERY expensive. Other than that we have Safeway and Walmart. Since watching Food, Inc. we only buy free range eggs and try to buy organic whatever from the stores mentioned.
It's small, but it's a start."
"We have been gradually "making the switch" over the last couple years. We've done most of the things mentioned, bought a "cow", joined a CSA, grew a garden. But as far as the grocery shopping, I make a point to pick out thick skinned fruits from the non organic section, ( bananas, oranges, melons, etc. ) and then buy a bag of organic apples, or whatever is on sale that week ( at Publix ). I kind of know where to go now for what I want... Costco has my organic oatmeal, my WalMart is now carrying organic milk, Publix has the best produce. We don't have any of the "whole foods" type stores, but stock up on staples when we visit family in the "big city"!! My husband is more dedicated than me, but I do all the shopping and cooking, so it's a tricky balance! Not sure I'm brave enough to watch the movie. Will I ever be able to eat at my beloved Chick fil A again??"
"I offer a small solution for eating real food at a smaller cost and MUCH less work..umm, hello, it takes TIME to make food from scratch?
It's called a meal swap or co-op cooking. Just started doing it here and it is rocking my world!"
"We've been trying different kinds of food habits, beginning with Andrew Weils, Optimum Health. Getting rid of all foods that have artificial food coloring and flavoring and moving to eliminating anything with trans fats... next adding omegas, broccoli and garlic.... we started that about 8 yrs ago. We (not really me, but my hubby) have been lessening the amounts of carbs - b/c of the increase in insulin that the body needs to break down the carbs, we're watching that.
My husband likes the primal diet. I eat what ever he makes..... primal totally supports eat what's in season, and real food.
We did join a CSA and are looking forward to the weekly produce.
We've been a part of a food coop, ordering in bulk, getting decent prices and the coop truck is the same one that delivers to whole foods... I love the discount prices. Just takes a little planning. We've found a US brand of frozen food, Stalhbush, that tastes good. We ran out and purchased birdseye... birdseye tasted like it had a coating of oil on it, uck!
I was really saddened by the actions of the big M company that made the little guy pay them off b/c their seeds blew over into the little guys crops.... sad. Not eating soybeans anymore.
The biggest thing I learned from the film was that I'm voting every time I purchase something at the groc store. And if we look hard enough we can find good food at reasonable prices without compromising."
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
A Sustainable, Ethical Meat Alternative

As greater focus has turned to sustainable, ethical meat, unicorns are starting to make sense as a protein source for humans. Unlike other meats, unicorns become more tender as they reach the end of their natural lifespan, so the meat is harvested only after they’ve died of natural causes. Guilt free meat full of sparkles, giggles, rainbows.
Thanks for this "Lost at E Minor" and my very funny sister in law!
Monday, April 19, 2010
Food Crisis!

I watched something that I don't regret but kinda wish that I hadn't seen. How's that for a ridiculous comment?!?! You see... I have a bit of an issue. When I see injustice, I have to respond. I get pissed. I vow to DO SOMETHING. I am not someone that can just rationalize why it shouldn't/doesn't affect me. This is why I should/shouldn't have watched Food, Inc.
I should/shouldn't have watched this movie a long time ago but I didn't feel like watching a movie with an agenda. I assumed that it would tell me that I needed to become a vegetarian. I assumed that it would offend me. I knew that this is why I needed to make myself watch it.
Last week, I felt brave enough to turn it on. As I felt my fears of agenda melt away, a feeling of nausea swept over me after seeing where our meat comes from. I felt disgusted after seeing how the animals we eat are treated and killed. Don't get me wrong - I still want to eat meat - I just didn't realize how disgusting a MASS animal murder could be. As simple as it may sound, I believe that an animal deserves the right to graze free in a grassy field and I believe that there are more ethical ways to raise them and kill them. The movie does NOT endorse NOT eating meat and this surprised me.
I also didn't realize how many injustices are happening to farmers in the US and around the world. I didn't know that they had been forced to sell themselves to big business. I didn't realize that the BIG FOOD BUSINESSES are trafficking Mexican farmers in for cheap labor and then turning them over to the immigration department as illegals at the rate of 15 people a day (an easily replaceable amount that doesn't affect production). I didn't realize that the FDA was being run by the very people that were formerly running these BIG FOOD BUSINESSES.
After watching the movie, I turned to my equally as stunned husband and said, "Well, crap (after viewing the movie, I mean this quite literally). Now I'm gonna have to change our food buying habits." We already receive all of our grass fed, free roaming beef from my father (thanks Dad!!). We are a part of a gleaning group and consider ourselves to be primarily "freegans." (If you don't know what gleaning is, google it.) But we still purchase a lot of our chicken and cereals, etc. from the grocery store/Costco.
This is where we meet our crisis. Where I would normally go to Costco to stock up on Cheerios for my boys, I will now be headed to PCC or Whole Foods where there is a significant price difference in the long term. Where I would normally head to Safeway to buy our meat and other various items NOT gleaned, I will now be headed to "Bill the Butcher." If you live in the Seattle area, check him out. He's watched Food, Inc. :) A lot of the food items that I would have purchased in bulk now need to be purchased from a local food source. As you can see, this means that shopping will be a little trickier, take a lot longer and be more expensive. My youngest, Finn, is NOT a good shopper and a Houdini in the cart so it feels pretty daunting. This will also elimate some of my shortcut cooking tactics used to make meal prep faster and easier. Darn.
Well, if you are still tracking with me and my early morning rant, I'm impressed and will end it here. I would like to urge you to watch this movie despite the fact that you might live to simultaneously regret it and it feel like it might be the best thing that you've done for your family in a long time. I KNOW for a fact that things CAN change if we all get involved. We just actually have to DO it.
I will be researching ways to make these changes without breaking our food budget. Will you help? Have you already made changes to how you buy and eat because of Food, Inc.? Share your secrets here and I'll repost them at a later date!
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Adoption's Rockin It in Texas
Interested in winning a FREE Adoption Rocks Tee? Head to THIS BLOG and enter a comment to win!
Thanks for all your support, Chambers Fam!! :)
Monday, April 12, 2010
We are SO close!!!
I also may or may not have purchased our sweet daughter these shoes. Yes, they are pink patent leather and they have a bow. I couldn't help myself! I needed a little "this is for real" boost in the midst of paperwork.
Thursday, April 8, 2010
The Adoption Rocks TOTES are BACK!!
The totes are natural colored canvas bags and they are SUPER durable. They are perfect for grocery shopping, carrying around odds and ends, or heading to the beach (a girl can dream)!
PLUS, when you purchase an Adoption Rocks bag, you help bring home our Baby Girl from Ethiopia! I can't think of anything better! :) Order yours now!
(PS. Don't forget to order some t-shirts too.)

Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Liam's Latest

Liam's teacher passed this special piece of artwork to me
and asked if I saw what was wrong with it.
How can you miss those puppies!?!?
On the way home from school, I asked Liam to tell me about everything on his picture.
He informed me that these were in fact Ninja Warriors and that one is bad (on the bottom) and that one is good (on the top).
I also learned that they have super sweet ninja costumes complete with a flap in the front...
not a 3rd leg - not a super long ding dong.
Crisis averted - this time. :)
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Blazer Game, Fishing and Salamander John
We are calling it his Rip City Chimney Sweep Look

He brought them home for me to cook (yeah, right).
He also brought home his new "pet" named,
Salamander John.
Liam was more than happy to show us his new smile face. Nice...

Salamander John really loved Liam.
He didn't run away when Liam put him down.
He would just stand there and let Liam pet him.
We left Salamander John behind in Oregon.
We are a house in mourning.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Bathtime at Gaga's House
Finn has been REFUSING to bathe while we've been at their Gaga and Papa's house. The problem is that as of today, he is officially STINKY! Gaga took things into her own hands and bribed him with a bath in the sink. It worked. :)
I am pretty sure that this is only cute to me, but I'll share it will you anyway.
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Our Adoption Rocks Shirts are IN!!
We have decided to start selling ADOPTION ROCKS gear as our first shot at fundraising! We would LOVE your support.
We have MEN'S shirts, WOMEN'S shirts, YOUTH sized shirts, INFANT/TODDLER sized shirts and TOTE BAGS (these have already sold out but we will be re-ordering more right away).
Ordering is EASY! Look to my blog's sidebar - you can order gear, choose your size and color, and pay for the gear and shipping through your Paypal account or a credit card. After you place your order, I will get your order in the mail and to your doorstep within 7-10 days.
Thanks to my dear friend, photographer Amy Cheng, and some wonderful models, we have some pictures to show how cute the shirts are. (Pictures of the infant shirts and shots of MY kids in the shirts are coming soon.) If you are curious about sizing and shrinkage, check out my sidebar.
Additional Questions? Feel free to email me at:

Stress Eating!!
Thursday, March 18, 2010
AWAKE 2010

AWAKE 2010: Living Significantly
Friday Evening / April 30 - Saturday / May 1
You were created to make a difference. At AWAKE 2010, we’ll going hard
after what it looks like to use our lives to positively impact both our personal relationships and the world.
Join us as we learn how to become whole, healthy, women of God, empowered to change the world and live out loud. Guest speaker Ronna Detrick and OCC’s Jodie Howerton will be speaking on Living Significantly...AND there are six workshops led by other women from which to choose:
AWAKE strives to be a different kind of women’s event, one that addresses the life stages of women of all ages and backgrounds (check out where Ronna's going to take us during her Saturday morning session)! Come take a break and connect with other incredible women!
AWAKE is held at Overlake Christian Church with the option to stay overnight at Redmond's brand new Hotel Sierra (STRONGLY ENCOURAGED!).
After Friday night's AWAKE session, Late Night Options will be held at Hotel Sierra for ALL conference attendees.
Early bird $55 through Monday, March 22
$65 after March 22
Cost includes Saturday Lunch
REGISTER NOW!!Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Monday, March 15, 2010
"James, The Musical" *Extended Cut*
James the Musical (Extended Version) from Overlake Christian Church on Vimeo.
Enjoy watching my husband and BOTH of my sons in this instant classic! This is my youngest's acting debut. Pure genius!!
I made myself take a break from a few things over the weekend. (I say this loosely because I did send a few emails and finished filling out one teesy piece of paperwork for our Home Study.) I instead cleaned the house and folded clothing and sorted thousands of tiny socks for what seemed like an eternity. I hung out with my boys and husband and did a little cooking on the side. I went to dinner and a movie with some friends.
I never really felt like I let myself relax though. If I wasn't thinking of all I needed to do during the day, I was dreaming about it at night.
So I am putting this out there to you, my two readers... How do you turn your mind off? How do you relax? Do you take a weekend? Is that possible when you are a mother? I would love to hear your thoughts or advice if you have any!